Monday 30 June 2014

Scriptures Religion Gods Children and the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit's Strengthening and the Glory of God

Scriptures Religion Gods Children and the Holy Spirit Scriptures Religion Gods Children and the Holy Spirit Scriptures Religion Gods Children and the Holy Spirit

Scriptures Religion Gods Children and the Holy Spirit

"I sustain you not in your strength, but in Mine... It's not for your glory, but for Mine." ~ Said the Holy Spirit

If there was ever an eternally constant reminder for any minister or believer it is the reminder to come back to God's plan, God's path, to God's ways. For, we stray. We stray so easily into the realm of 'ministry' efforts in our own strength and for our own glory.

The more we do for God, the more a threat it is that we are actually not doing it for God. There is no direct correlation, for there are many, many faithful servants who serve out of their submission and they serve never more in God's power, blessed by God's capacity, and anointed by God's providence.

But doing things for God - building his Kingdom - ever involves us in a paradox. The more we do for God, the closer we come to doing it in our own strength and, therefore, for our own glory, alone.

It hardly need be said that when we build in our own strength we labour in vain. Nothing we build will stand up, or it will stand up for the glory of God under somebody else's leadership (we won't retain it).

There is a reminder in this fact: it is never good for a person to be given too much responsibility or control before time. Such a weight of burden needs to be borne with great wisdom, and it's easier to succumb to a great but hidden peril than we often realise. This is why humility and mentors, and listening to wise advisors are such keys.

When we serve God, serving him well - that is, to serve him with a good confidence of sustainability, being ever mindful of the only glory that is worth it - we are gifted with the blessed Presence of God that ensures we, personally, thrive in our walk with God. If our walk with God suffers in any way, or worse it's stilted, then we are surviving and 'serving' in our own strength and, thereby, we are 'serving' for our own glory.

It is our chief task to take serious day-by-day concern for the culpability of our devotional lives. Discipleship is even more critical for leaders.


The more we do for God, the more a threat it is that we are actually not doing it for God. Anything not done for the glory of God may also not be sustainable. We must serve God in the Spirit's strength and for God's glory alone. That will inevitably involve much loss, for it is not about our gain.

© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor who holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counseling. Steve writes at: and

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scriptures religion gods children holy spirit scriptures religion gods children holy spirit scriptures religion gods children holy spirit

My Confession - Herman Dreyer

If God has called you you can jump any way you like you will find out that you are like a fish on a hook.

Years ago I decided that church is not for me any more and that smoking and drinking are far more nicer and easier.

So in stead of attending the Sunday service I find it much more important to go for a mountain climb with my friends and have a nice beer afterwards.

However one day some three years ago while I was sitting outside having a cigarette and a shot of whisky did it came to me to just put out the cigarette and be quite allowing God to have his say, and what did you know it came through as clearly as if I was having a real conversation and God said to me it is time to get my life into order.

Now God is a very patient person allowing you all the time in the world to make things right.

Yet I did not change for the better and carried on as is until I was strike with a very bad cold forcing me to give up smoking.

Then I run into one of my old church friends and tell him that I need to get back to church of which he asked the pastor to pay me a visit and so I did went back to church and are a full member of the Full Gospel Church of God here in Pretoria South Africa.

A year ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer of which the doctors said there is no cure since it is in an advanced state.

Well I have just decided that before I go I must at least help to spread the word of God and since I am a bit of a webmaster did I decide to employ the Internet to do just that.

However it became clear to me since I am only living day by day to the carry out Gods will and that since I am a poor pensioner is to ask for any donation in order to keep up my internet connection and some money for my keeping.

Here is my banking details should you feel to make any contribution to further the work of the Lord.

Bank: ABSA

Account: Savings

Account name: Herman Dreyer

Account number: 9275775772


Country: South Africa

Branch: Hatfield

City: Pretoria

Thank you so much for your time and may you experience the blessings of God

Herman Dreyer - South Africa


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